plug in Chai3D (V3.2.0) Mac OS Sierra

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Joined: 07 Feb 2018, 23:58

plug in Chai3D (V3.2.0) Mac OS Sierra

Post by jcorredorc »


The plugin Chai3D works perfect in Vrep but crashes it when the stop button is pressed. I tested this issue in two scenes, both provided with the Chai3D library as examples (V-REP-shapes.ttt and V-REP-pioneer.ttt). This issue was presented in the release 3.4.0 and continues in the last version 3.5.0.

I built again the plugin with the last sources (available in the coppelia's git) to use it in the last version of vrep. But the behavior is the same.

Here the console output

Code: Select all

Using the default Lua library.
Could not find or correctly load the video compression library.
Add-on script 'vrepAddOnScript-addOnScriptDemo.lua' was loaded.
QSplitter::setCollapsible: Index 0 out of range
Simulator launched.
Plugin 'MeshCalc': loading...
Plugin 'MeshCalc': load succeeded.
Plugin 'BlueZero': loading...
Plugin 'BlueZero': warning: replaced variable 'simB0'
Plugin 'BlueZero': load succeeded.
Plugin 'BubbleRob': loading...
Plugin 'BubbleRob': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Bwf': loading...
Plugin 'Bwf': load succeeded.
Plugin 'CHAI3D': loading...
Plugin 'CHAI3D': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Collada': loading...
Plugin 'Collada': load succeeded.
Plugin 'ConvexDecompose': loading...
Plugin 'ConvexDecompose': load succeeded.
Plugin 'CustomUI': loading...
Plugin 'CustomUI': warning: replaced variable 'simUI'
Plugin 'CustomUI': load succeeded.
Plugin 'DynamicsBullet-2-78': loading...
Plugin 'DynamicsBullet-2-78': load succeeded.
Plugin 'DynamicsBullet-2-83': loading...
Plugin 'DynamicsBullet-2-83': load succeeded.
Plugin 'DynamicsNewton': loading...
Plugin 'DynamicsNewton': load succeeded.
Plugin 'DynamicsOde': loading...
Plugin 'DynamicsOde': load succeeded.
Plugin 'ExternalRenderer': loading...
Plugin 'ExternalRenderer': load succeeded.
Plugin 'ICP': loading...
Plugin 'ICP': warning: replaced variable 'simICP'
Plugin 'ICP': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Image': loading...
Error with plugin 'Image': load failed (could not load). The plugin probably couldn't load dependency libraries. Try 'otool -L pluginName.dylib' for more infos, or simply rebuild the plugin.
Plugin 'K3': loading...
Plugin 'K3': load succeeded.
Plugin 'LuaCommander': loading...
Plugin 'LuaCommander': warning: replaced variable 'simLuaComm'
Plugin 'LuaCommander': load succeeded.
Plugin 'LuaRemoteApiClient': loading...
Plugin 'LuaRemoteApiClient': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Mtb': loading...
Plugin 'Mtb': load succeeded.
Plugin 'OMPL': loading...
Plugin 'OMPL': warning: replaced variable 'simOMPL'
Plugin 'OMPL': load succeeded.
Plugin 'OpenMesh': loading...
Plugin 'OpenMesh': load succeeded.
Plugin 'PovRay': loading...
Plugin 'PovRay': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Qhull': loading...
Plugin 'Qhull': load succeeded.
Plugin 'RRS1': loading...
Plugin 'RRS1': load succeeded.
Plugin 'ReflexxesTypeII': loading...
Plugin 'ReflexxesTypeII': load succeeded.
Plugin 'RemoteApi': loading...
Starting a remote API server on port 19997
Plugin 'RemoteApi': load succeeded.
Plugin 'SDF': loading...
Plugin 'SDF': warning: replaced variable 'simSDF'
Plugin 'SDF': load succeeded.
Plugin 'SurfaceReconstruction': loading...
Plugin 'SurfaceReconstruction': warning: replaced variable 'simSurfRec'
Plugin 'SurfaceReconstruction': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Urdf': loading...
Plugin 'Urdf': load succeeded.
Plugin 'Vision': loading...
Plugin 'Vision': load succeeded.
Using the 'MeshCalc' plugin.
Initializing the Bullet physics engine in plugin 'DynamicsBullet_2_78'...
Engine version: 2.78
Plugin version: 9
Initialization successful.
Error: signal 11:
0   libv_rep.dylib                      0x00000001076894a1 _Z11_segHandleri + 33
1   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007fffe61feb3a _sigtramp + 26
2   ???                                 0x0000600001e75a80 0x0 + 105553148205696
3   libv_repExtCHAI3D.dylib             0x0000000111cff05a _Z18LUA_RESET_CALLBACKP15SScriptCallBack + 90
4   libv_rep.dylib                      0x00000001077a5d65 _Z27_genericFunctionHandler_newPvP18CLuaCustomFunctionRNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS2_11char_traitsIcEENS2_9allocatorIcEEEE + 629
5   libv_rep.dylib                      0x00000001077a393b _Z26_simGenericFunctionHandlerPv + 1211
6   liblua.5.1.dylib                    0x00000001082a879b luaD_precall + 463
7   liblua.5.1.dylib                    0x00000001082b1d3c luaV_execute + 2625
8   liblua.5.1.dylib                    0x00000001082a8c41 luaD_call + 98
9   liblua.5.1.dylib                    0x00000001082a8344 luaD_rawrunprotected + 85
QObject::~QObject: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread
QMutex: destroying locked mutex
Any advice to solve this problem? I'll appreciate your help,

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Joined: 14 Dec 2012, 00:25

Re: plug in Chai3D (V3.2.0) Mac OS Sierra

Post by coppelia »


difficult to say, since we didn't directly develop that plugin. Maybe you can try to debug it and see where exactly it is failing?


Posts: 2
Joined: 07 Feb 2018, 23:58

Re: plug in Chai3D (V3.2.0) Mac OS Sierra

Post by jcorredorc »

If someone needs fix that, you should comment the line Cursors.erase(index) in function hapticDisconnect() of the file v_repExtCHAI3D.cpp. In the last version of the plugin for vrep 3.5.0 is in the line #982.

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