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Matching Baxter origin in V-rep to Gazebo and Rviz

Posted: 20 Mar 2016, 20:07
by atoz

I can't seem to match the origin position of the Baxter robot in Vrep to that of the origin used by Gazebo and RViz for ROS. The result being that positions obtainable in one are n't in the other. Is there a way to sync their origin positions. Does Vrep use a different origin? Or is this because the Vrep model uses a different file to that of the URDF/SDF used in Gazebo and RViz?


Re: Matching Baxter origin in V-rep to Gazebo and Rviz

Posted: 21 Mar 2016, 16:04
by coppelia

yes, the Baxter model in V-REP was created from scratch, using the original data received from the Baxter makers at that time. This means that various things could be configured in a different way, including joint limits or joint zero positions.


Re: Matching Baxter origin in V-rep to Gazebo and Rviz

Posted: 21 Mar 2016, 16:11
by atoz
Thanks for confirming.

So is it possible to load a Baxter model from a URDF file in V-rep in a similar way to Gazebo?


Re: Matching Baxter origin in V-rep to Gazebo and Rviz

Posted: 21 Mar 2016, 16:18
by coppelia
If you have such a file, this should be possible by using the URDF import plugin. From this topic, it seems that the current plugin version causes some problems.
