How to prepare 3D model properly for import to avoid artifacts during convex decomposition?

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How to prepare 3D model properly for import to avoid artifacts during convex decomposition?

Post by Hamulus »

I have the following part of my robot.

When I try to make convex decomposition with the following paramaters:

I get the following decomposition:

If I enable Add extra points checkboxes, I get the following:

So it is close to original, but it has 2 artifacts on 2 of 3 holders.

Please note that I already prepared the model in MeshLab, so it is very clean and contains of triangles only. So it is strange that I get these artifacts. So how to prepare this model to get exactly the same after convex decomposition morphing?
Is there any "gold rule" for any model?
Please note that I could split the model to simplier parts manually, then morph them separately and then assemble them, but maybe there is more easy and automatic way?

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Re: How to prepare 3D model properly for import to avoid artifacts during convex decomposition?

Post by coppelia »


the convex decomposition routines that are used are from Khaled Mamou (HACD and V-HACD). For details, check here.


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