B0 remote API in Visual Studio

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B0 remote API in Visual Studio

Post by Fox_x »

Hi everyone,
I'm a beginner in V-Rep and I'm trying to compile "simpleTest.cpp" file to see the best Visual Studio configuration before working on more difficult projects.
  • I've created a VS project with a "simpleTest.cpp" file and I've included "b0RemoteApi.h" and "b0RemoteApi.cpp" files
  • then I've included "...msgpack-c/include" and "...blueZero/include" paths with the follow procedure: Project properties -> C/C++ -> Additional Include Directories -> paths
  • finally I've linked blueZero library with the follow procedure: I've added the b0.lib's path in Project properties -> linker -> Additional Library Directories and then I've added "b0.lib" dependency in Project properties -> linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies
I don't know if this is the right way to proceed but Visual Studio point out some errors:
  • The first problem was related to the dependencies with the Boost library: I solved this problem downloading the library, although I don't know if this was a good choice.
  • The second problem is related to the "config.h" file. In fact the compiler point out 4 errors:
    • E1696 ----- cannot open source file "b0/config.h" --------------------------------------- File: b0.h
    • E2512 ----- the argument to a feature-test macro must be a simple identifier --------------- File: config.hpp (of the boost library)
    • C1083 ----- cannot open include file: "b0/config.h": No such file or directory ----------------- File: b0.h
    • C1083 ----- cannot open include file: "b0/config.h": No such file or directory ----------------- File: b0.h
I hope you can help me, because I'm working on a more difficult project but first I have to understand how to set up Visual Studio and how to use effectively the "b0 remote APIs".

Thanks in advance

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Re: B0 remote API in Visual Studio

Post by coppelia »


you are right, it is a bit more complicated on Windows. The way the b0RemoteApi.cpp calls functions in b0.dll has been changed to avoid this. You can pull b0RemoteApiBindings to reflect the changes (the V-REP packages have now also that change). You will also find simple scripts that compile simpleTest and bubbleRobClient in that repository.


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