Ding Dong: Friction simulation in CoppeliaSim is Possible?

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Ding Dong: Friction simulation in CoppeliaSim is Possible?

Post by Bomber94 »

Hello everyone!

I'm new to Coppelia, and I'm managing to use a robot in the environment. The fact is, one of the objectives is to model different terrains in the simulator. For example: Fhe first quadrant could be a ice-like floor. The second one could be a mug-like floor. Another example: I can draw a path, but I want that a part of the trajectory could be slippery than the others. Why to do that? I want to simulate slip and skid conditions to improve a controller. These conditions implies that \(\omega_{\text{wheel}} \neq v_{\text{robot}}\)

¿Is there any way to achieve it in CoppeliaSim? I'd be glad If someone could bring me light in that question.

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Re: Ding Dong: Friction simulation in CoppeliaSim is Possible?

Post by fferri »

Friction is a property of the material you can edit in the shape properties and more specifically shape dynamics properties, probably by setting some engine-specific parameter.

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Re: Ding Dong: Friction simulation in CoppeliaSim is Possible?

Post by mfocchi »


Friction is a property of two contacting materials. How does it work in Bullet 2.83?
If I set a friction coeff for the floor, and another one the wheels, which one will be used?


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Re: Ding Dong: Friction simulation in CoppeliaSim is Possible?

Post by fferri »

The resulting friction coefficient is computed by combining the friction coefficients of the two bodies involved in the collision. The combined friction coefficient is calculated using a method that ensures a reasonable value for the interaction between the surfaces.

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