What Physics Abstraction Layer is used in V-REP

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What Physics Abstraction Layer is used in V-REP

Post by Andrey »

Does V-REP use one of these physics abstraction layers:

It's most likely a custom physics abstraction layer of some kind and if so where can I find it in code and can someone explain a bit about it. I would like to know more of just how it works and how I can add another physics library to it. For instance I would like to add the SOFA framework [url]http://www.sofa-framework.org/[/url].

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Re: What Physics Abstraction Layer is used in V-REP

Post by coppelia »


there is no abstraction layer: the various physics engines are each so different and have specific features that one could use an abstraction layer, but by doing so you will lose stability and the specificities of each engine. For games this might be ok, but I don't believe you can go very far with an abstraction layer, there are too many values that do not represent physical values (at least with ODE and Bullet) and that require tweaking and adjusting. For a brief overview, have a look at this page for instance.

Adding another physics engine is not a too difficult task in V-REP. At least on the physics plugin side. It will however require to add a few new parameters on the V-REP side (which we could assist you with).


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