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How to add a new physics engine or other cool algorithms

Posted: 28 Jan 2015, 22:17
by Andrey
Can someone write/video tutorial a "How to add a new physics library" or adding new algorithms. For instance I would like to add the Newton physics engine to see how it performs or parts of the SOFA framework There are many really cool libraries/packages and it would be nice to know how to incorporate them. Of course each is different and may require a different approach but a general path could be explained. I imagine it would start as a plugin and so we would follow the creating a plugin tutorial but then what. There are great libraries for things like soft bodies and fracture that would be awesome to use so any help on how to go about it would be beneficial to the community to improve V-REP. Videos of "this is how I incorporated this physics library/software package/framework/etc that does this cool thing.." would be invaluable because it shows a real life process with all the little things that go wrong and the process and software used to do it plus explanation of why etc. instead of reading a million lines of confusing text, well it would be ideal to have both of course. Cheers