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getting v-rep to run

Posted: 12 Feb 2013, 16:09
by alphaUser
Dear Sir,

I have been trying to get V-REP running under Gentoo-Linux (64bit). I
have successfully downloaded the educational package and as well the
source code, and with some minor adjustments, got it to compile
through (qtcreator). Unfortunately, I do not now where to start from
here, since only a .so file seems to be build. When I start vrep from
the binary distribution and even if I let it load the new build it will fail stating:

Error: could not find or correctly load the V-REP library

Thank you and Regards!

Re: getting v-rep to run

Posted: 12 Feb 2013, 16:10
by coppelia

Did you copy-and-paste the created library into the original V-REP PRO
EDU folder?
Make sure to copy all created* files into that directory.
You may have to recompile the client application (vrep). At the same
time, if itself cannot find what it needs, the client
application cannot load it (e.g. the Lua libraries are required as well)

Try ldd to see if something is missing.

Re: getting v-rep to run

Posted: 12 Feb 2013, 16:12
by alphaUser
Dear coppelia,

thanks for the quick reply!

I did exactly as you told me. The only library missing is, since I have on my system. I symlinked it, so
ldd shows that it finds all librarys both on as well as
vrep. Also I did an strace on vrep, but I could not find a sign where it
might fail. I attached it if you want to have a look at it.

How to I rebuild vrep?!

Thanks and Regards

Re: getting v-rep to run

Posted: 12 Feb 2013, 16:12
by alphaUser
Hello again,

I could resolve the issue. It all had to do with a missing libpng12 (as
I have libpng15). So installing libpng12 fixed the issue.

I am looking forward to work with the environment. Seems quite
promissing to me.