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Share simulation by network

Posted: 17 Jul 2018, 23:24
by psj8252
Is it possible to share simulation environment by net or lan connection?

I will try multi-robot simulation with serveral rasberry pis.

I want to simulate each robot on each rasberry pi and they can share environment.

For example, they can sense or hit each other.

But I don't know whether it is possible.

Re: Share simulation by network

Posted: 20 Jul 2018, 07:12
by coppelia

yes this is possible to a certain extent: you can have a central machine that runs the simulation, and several other machines connecting to it and controlling a specific part of the simulation (e.g. one robot).
The connection to V-REP can happen in many different ways. The easiest would probably to use the ROS interface or the remote API.
