Search found 80 matches

by CroCr
20 Jun 2024, 21:45
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: CoppeliaSim Certificate
Replies: 3
Views: 1938

Re: CoppeliaSim Certificate

Would you be able to provide us with more information about it?
by CroCr
20 Jun 2024, 20:21
Forum: General questions
Topic: Cancelling Gravity Using addForce
Replies: 3
Views: 452

Re: Cancelling Gravity Using addForce

Hello, both solutions work fine, but the second is a bit simpler. In your case you could just do: sim.addForceAndTorque(CapsuleHandle,{0,0,0.06*9.81}) sim.addForceAndTorque applies the force (and possibly a torque) at the center of mass of the shape, where the force vector is expressed in the absol...
by CroCr
19 Jun 2024, 22:51
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: CoppeliaSim Certificate
Replies: 3
Views: 1938

CoppeliaSim Certificate

Are there dedicated courses offered by the CoppeliaSim team that end in a certificate of completion in order to learn and master CoppeliaSim? My background includes C/C++ and Matlab, and I am close to completing my PhD in robotics and control; therefore, I will no longer have access to the labs. It ...
by CroCr
19 Jun 2024, 22:41
Forum: General questions
Topic: Cancelling Gravity Using addForce
Replies: 3
Views: 452

Cancelling Gravity Using addForce

My project requires the use of force sensors. An end-effector kuka arm has been attached with a capsulate shape using force sensor joint. Although the sensor provides readings, there is some offset due to the capsulate's weight (i.e. 0.06kg). I need to get rid of this bias. I came across two solutio...
by CroCr
13 Jun 2024, 20:14
Forum: General questions
Topic: Injecting Artificial Delay in ZMQ Remote API
Replies: 1
Views: 404

Injecting Artificial Delay in ZMQ Remote API

I'm using ZMQ Remote API to communicate between the C++ client and CoppeliaSim in stepping mode. When using get() and set() functions, is it possible to add some artificial delay? In order to investigate the stability of a bilateral teleoperation system, I need to run some tests. Is this possible in...
by CroCr
23 May 2024, 19:37
Forum: General questions
Topic: drawing rectangle or circle on image obtained from vision sensor
Replies: 3
Views: 1600

Re: drawing rectangle or circle on image obtained from vision sensor

fferri wrote: 23 May 2024, 11:34 Scene vision/imageProcessingDemo1-lua.ttt does some simple drawing onto the vision sensor image, using the simIM plugin.
Thank you for the answer. Now it is working properly. Last question, is it possible with simIM to draw shapes with filled color?
by CroCr
22 May 2024, 17:16
Forum: General questions
Topic: drawing rectangle or circle on image obtained from vision sensor
Replies: 3
Views: 1600

drawing rectangle or circle on image obtained from vision sensor

I'm using CoppeliaSim 4.5.1 in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. My goal is to draw a primitive shape (e.g. rectangle or circle) on the image obtained by vision sensor. The scenes shipped with CoppleliaSim aren't straightforward enough for my purpose. In addition, I would like to switch between two colors (i.e. red...
by CroCr
17 Apr 2024, 20:49
Forum: General questions
Topic: What is the correct way to read applied external force on a tool?
Replies: 1
Views: 1207

What is the correct way to read applied external force on a tool?

I have seen three ways to get force measurements applied on a tool attached to a joint. Force/Torque sensors Contact info between two objects sim.getJointForce. The first one requires compensating for the weight of the tool. For kinematic-based control which usually a velocity-based control scheme i...
by CroCr
17 Apr 2024, 20:31
Forum: General questions
Topic: CoppeliaSim for Surface cleaning
Replies: 4
Views: 1673

Re: CoppeliaSim for Surface cleaning

it worked. thank you so much for this invaluable support.
by CroCr
12 Apr 2024, 09:34
Forum: General questions
Topic: CoppeliaSim for Surface cleaning
Replies: 4
Views: 1673

Re: CoppeliaSim for Surface cleaning

Hello, not sure if I understand exactly what you mean... but why not give the tool a friction of zero? Cheers In this case, what is the exact parameter I need to change? The tool now is the capsule from Add->Primitive shape. I'm using Bullet now. Do I need to change this "friction": 0.5, ...