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Bug with Coppeliasim and pyrep

Posted: 04 Mar 2020, 10:52
by cdmido

I have a bug whenever I launch Coppeliasim through pyrep; Coppeliasim launches normally through the terminal on its own:
but, whenever i try to launch it through pyrep I get an error message in the terminal and in the app : "unable to correctly load the video compression library"
My Kernel on jupyter always ends up crashing. Even in headless mode as soon as i tell it to shutdown the simulation. with pyrep.PyRep.shutdown()
below is an imgur post with my screen shots (Sorry I'm new here and also new to ubuntu so i couldn't upload the images here using the [img] formatting tool)

Edit1: fix grammar + screenshots

Re: Bug with Coppeliasim and pyrep

Posted: 08 May 2020, 23:27
by cdmido
found out it has to do with anaconda on ubuntu 18.04 uninstalling anaconda worked for me. but sadly i am too used to spyder coming from matlab