Publishing Depth Image of Kinect to ROS

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Publishing Depth Image of Kinect to ROS

Post by mert »


I have tried to follow the Forum questions to come up with a solution for simulating the kinect behavior. What I aim is simple, there is a Kinect in my scene (the one in components) and I want to publish depth and rgb images from CoppeliaSim and process them in an external node.

In the bottom I share my code in the Coppelia and marked the question relevant part with --QRP_start and --QRP_end
tags. Additionally, I shared some code segments from the python node, that is relevant to my question. Which are reading image data with opencv and publish the read data for both rbg and depth image.

Coppelia Sim Lua Code:

Code: Select all

function sysCall_init()
 -- Get some handles:

    -- Enable image publishers
    if simROS then
        rgb_pub=simROS.advertise('/coppelia/camera/rgb_image', 'sensor_msgs/Image')
        depth_pub=simROS.advertise('/coppelia/camera/depth_image', 'sensor_msgs/Image')
        print("<font color='#F00'>ROS interface was not found. Cannot run.</font>@html")

function sysCall_sensing()
    if simROS then   
        -- Publish the image of the active vision sensor:
        local data,width,height=sim.getVisionSensorCharImage(kinectRGB)
        rgb_d['header'] = {stamp=simROS.getTime(), frame_id="rgb_mert"}
        rgb_d['height'] = height
        rgb_d['width'] = width
        rgb_d['encoding'] = 'rgb8'
        rgb_d['is_bigendian'] = 1 --information on where the important side is
        rgb_d['step'] = width * 3 -- channels r,g,b
        rgb_d['data'] = data
        -- QRP_start
       local data=sim.getVisionSensorDepthBuffer(kinectDepth+sim.handleflag_codedstring)
        local res,nearClippingPlane=sim.getObjectFloatParameter(kinectDepth,sim.visionfloatparam_near_clipping)
        local res,farClippingPlane=sim.getObjectFloatParameter(kinectDepth,sim.visionfloatparam_far_clipping)
        nearClippingPlane=nearClippingPlane*1000 -- we want mm
        farClippingPlane=farClippingPlane*1000 -- we want mm
        local res=sim.getVisionSensorResolution(kinectDepth)
        width, height = res[1], res[2]
        depth_d['header'] = {stamp=simROS.getTime(), frame_id="depth_mert"}
        depth_d['height'] = height
        depth_d['width'] = width
        depth_d['encoding'] = '16UC1'
        depth_d['is_bigendian'] = 1
        depth_d['step'] = width*2
        depth_d['data'] = data

function sysCall_cleanup()
    if simROS then   
        -- Shut down publisher and subscriber. Not really needed from a simulation script (automatic shutdown)

Pieces of Python code:

Pieces from rgb image subscriber :

Code: Select all

rgb_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(rgb_data, "bgr8")
... # No processing on rgb_image
rgb_pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(rgb_image, "bgr8"))
This piece of code causes me to publish the exact same rgb image to another topic.

Pieces from rgb image subscriber :

Code: Select all

depth_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(depth_data, '16UC1')
... ## No processing on depth_image
depth_pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(depth_image, '16UC1'))
When I do this, the image I publish is somehow distorted, what I mean is it is going black and white gradients in nonsense. I put the image to this post as well to explain this better. I visualize the images that are published to these four topics.

Initially, I thought the problem is in the python script since rviz can visualize the depth image published from simulator well. However, I do not do any processing on the retrieved messages besides using an opencv bridge to transfer from message and to message. And I was not sure with why I doing some parts of my code, therefore I wanted to ask some questions.

1) Does my code for the simulator have any flaws? I thought it might be possible that rviz may be skipping some info or use default values, so even if it shows a good image, it does not necessarily mean my publisher is correct.

2)In case there are no flaws:
a) Why do we use 16UC1 encoding?
b)Is all ros publishers are treating variables as uint8 by default?
Am I correct in thinking three statemnets below?
i) the reason we get data as string from depth buffer is to make it faster. (line relatet to getVisionSensorDepthBuffer) (Apparently not regular string but encoded string which I cannot get type or length by print)
ii)The reason we use transform function is two-fold. First we have float values as encoded strings but we need to transform them to uint16, second since we have string we cannot do mathematical operations on the retrieved buffer.
iii) What is the role of this line: simROS.publisherTreatUInt8ArrayAsString(depth_pub) I was thinking it was to make it faster, but removing it causes the publisher to crash, so I suppose it is also related to the fact that the data is already in some string format. A

3)An alternative without traiting uint8 as string in publisher would be by removing +handleflag_codedstring part and calculating the distances manually on the float table which is already normalized. I can do that in a for loop for each element, however, if I would want it to be done the same way for all the entries I could benefit from some matrix multiplication.But I am not sure if in Coppelia I am able to do that.

4) Any help related to opencv would also be appreciated.

Sorry for the long post, I wanted it not to neglect any part.

Simulator Scene:
Rviz Depth image from topic published by the simulator
Rviz Depth image from topic published by the python node

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Re: Publishing Depth Image of Kinect to ROS

Post by fferri »

The depth-image published by the simulator looks fine.

In the other image it looks like the depth values are overflowing and wrapping around. That all depends on what self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2 and self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg do, which you didn't explain.

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Re: Publishing Depth Image of Kinect to ROS

Post by mert »

Thank you for the response fferri,

That part is responsible for transforming ros image message to opencv mat object and vice versa. Opencv mat object is a multidimensional matrix format of uint16 values, which is a numpy array.

Opencv package is not my implementation, I used that package because I want to process the images later. Basically I followed the tutorial ... agesPython.

The reason I did not explain that part was mostly because, I am not entirely sure my publisher in Coppelia is correct. I initially did not know much about depth images and my implementation is mostly based on what I figured out from the forum posts.

From your answer I conclude that Coppelia part seems to be good, and I should check that python node, am I right?

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Re: Publishing Depth Image of Kinect to ROS

Post by fferri »

You should doublecheck that conversion to/from 16UC1. Maybe the fact that you specify the same encoding '16UC1' in both directions is the problem. My guess is that when converting to 16UC1 values are upscaled to the range 0-65535 and when converting to image (presumably to 8UC1, but you shoyld doublecheck also this fact) values are not downscaled to 0-255 (i.e. divided by 256). You have the ability to inspect your data at each point: you can print things in the embedded script in CoppeliaSim, you can use rostopic to print image data fields and other useful things. With this you should be able to locate the error more precisely.

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Joined: 04 Feb 2020, 09:53

Re: Publishing Depth Image of Kinect to ROS

Post by mert »

Dear Ferri,

Again thank you for your answer. I am checking the values in pyhon node, and they are ranging from 0-65535 but not consistently. What I mean not consistent is that the values are not directly related to distance ie a middle height can have the max value whereas further points has lower value.

I do not know the actual values and I cannot get with the current code because printing data ( local data=sim.getVisionSensorDepthBuffer(kinectDepth+sim.handleflag_codedstring)) gives an encoded string, which is made of chars in a different charset (ie ݖ>�ݖ>|s). Then removing hadleflag part requires me to remove the part of code related to transform function, which consecutively requires me to do the distance calculation because data without handleflag returns float values between 0-1. To my knowledge that will require me to run two for loops (for resolution in x and resolution in y) because I cannot do matrix multiplications. Which I fear would slow down my code ( this scene is not my actual scene, I have more stuff running on the main scene). But to detect the error I may do that indeed. Thank you for suggestion.

Please tell if I misunderstood sth.

A Progress note :
I succeeded to retrieve the same output from the python node when I change the meter-mm transform ( two lines with comment ''-- we want mm'') to meter-cm transform. This was a part I never suspected. I do not know how to comment on that yet. Because the image I publish from Coppelia is the same, so the the initial mm values should be represented by uint16 successfully I believe, but decoding the same way is distorting data. Whereas in cm both are correct and the encoding is the same (16uc1). This is a progress however, I need mm precision. Any suggestions?

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