Dynamic properties of shapes for force sensor

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Dynamic properties of shapes for force sensor

Post by BlueSkeptical »

I'm having some troubles setting my simulation in order to read from a force sensor.
I'm doing motion planning with an UR10 on a stand and I want to know the forces applied on that stand during the movement.Image
I've read this guide https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFi ... ations.htm but I still don't understand if, in my case, "Supporto0" must be a dynamic respondable shape or other, since the sensor give me different reading from different settings.
"UR10" is the white plate under the arm and "Supporto0" is the black plate under the white plate.
"UR10" is a dynamic respondable shape and has attached a tree of joints and dynamic respondable shapes until the end-effector that's also a dynamic and respondable shape.
The top-tree shape "Supporto" is static and respondable.
I think it could be static non respondable because it seems the measurements look realistic in this settings but I'm not sure and I want to understend what I'm missing.
Eventually I've grouped all the black stand shapes under the arm in a static respondable shape and It give me the same result as the setup described above, so it's probably the right way.
Can someone clarify this to me?

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Re: Dynamic properties of shapes for force sensor

Post by coppelia »


in your case following would make most sense: have shape supporto0 static and non-respondable. And the base of your UR10 robot should be dynamic (either respondable or not).
Actually, your object supporto0 could also be respondable, but I suspect that there are collisions happening between your UR10 base and supporto0, which hinders correct force/torque sensor reading. You can visualize collisions between respondable shapes in the general dynamics properties.


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