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Robot names in case of more than 1 robot

Posted: 19 Jan 2021, 16:28
by sumi_boss
Hello Coppelia,

I have several UR5 robots in my scene, and I was using parts of your code from an example scene you provided. However, you only had 1 robot in your scene, named 'UR5', while I have several, 'UR5#1', 'UR5#2', etc. The problem is I now have a problem with object handles and names since I have several robots. Is there an easy way to include the numbering of robots? Can I somehow just add the number suffix onto 'UR5' and just use similar code everywhere?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Robot names in case of more than 1 robot

Posted: 20 Jan 2021, 14:22
by coppelia

you can use the exact same code on all robots, if the robots' names only differ by a # and a number. Have a look at how object handles are retrieved from associated code.
