Replace Robotiq-85 Gripper FingerTips

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Replace Robotiq-85 Gripper FingerTips

Post by zhy149 »


I'd like to replace the fingertip of the Robotiq-85 Gripper, could you tell me what I should do? Should I export the fingertip model to Solidworks and edit it then import it back to CoppeliaSim? Any other ways to do it like directly edit the length and width of Robotiq 85 Gripper? Thank you very much!


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Re: Replace Robotiq-85 Gripper FingerTips

Post by coppelia »


this is not such an easy task. Mainly also, because that gripper is quite complex. You can isometrically scale the whole gripper. In CoppeliaSim V4.2.0, use the isometric scaling add-on. You might have to adjust manually a few values after that (e.g. joint forces/torques).

If you just want to modify one object, first make sure if that object has an invisible counterpart, since you will have to modify both. (invisible counterpart shapes are often used for the physics functionality, and often use a simplified version of the original shape. Those are usually hidden in another visibility layer). You can also individually scale shapes.


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