sim.generateIkPath always returns NULL

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sim.generateIkPath always returns NULL

Post by johnrowlay »

I am having trouble getting the "sim.generateIkPath" function to work, and it is always returning NULL for me (i.e. no path could be computed).

I have created a very simple scene with a Sawyer robot, and introduced a tip-target setup with an IK calculation module. The target is 10cm away from the tip in each of the (x, y, z) directions, and has the same orientation as the tip. I then added a child script to the robot which calls the following in "sysCall_actuation()":

Code: Select all

    number_of_points = 30
    joint_handles = {}
    for i=1,7,1 do
        joint_handles[i] = sim.getObjectHandle('Sawyer_joint'..i)
    ik_group_handle = sim.getIkGroupHandle('Sawyer_IK_group')
    path = sim.generateIkPath(ik_group_handle, joint_handles, number_of_points)
    if path == NULL then
        print('Could not compute IK path')
However, "sim.generateIkPath" always returns NULL.

I have tried varying the following, but they all result in NULL being returned:
- the number of points specified for the path
- the desired angular and positional precisions in the IK group
- the IK calculation method, and max iterations
- the position of the target

Any advice?

A minimal version of my scene can be downloaded from here:, and you can just press "Play" to see it printing out "Could not compute IK path".

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Re: sim.generateIkPath always returns NULL

Post by coppelia »


the reason is that you hit some joint limits (i.e. Sawyer_joint6 will hinder the robot to travel along the desired straight line). If you adjust the joint limits of that joint, it will work.


Posts: 25
Joined: 09 Aug 2017, 18:52

Re: sim.generateIkPath always returns NULL

Post by johnrowlay »


Yes, that was the reason.

Thank you very much!

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