I'm having issues when using the method getJointForce in Matlab using the ZeroMQ remote API.
I'm running CoppeliaSim v4.6.0-rev18 arm on a MacBook Air M1. I am using the matlab files from the GitHub repository (https://github.com/CoppeliaRobotics/zmq ... ree/master) but using the branch coppeliasim-v4.6.0-rev18.
When I use the C++ client, everything works.
Minimal example:
(There is a Franka Emika Panda robot on the scene)
Code: Select all
client = RemoteAPIClient();
sim = client.require('sim');
handle = sim.getObject("/Franka/joint");
tau = sim.getJointForce(handle);
Code: Select all
Output argument "varargout{1}" (and possibly others) not assigned a value in the execution with
"RemoteAPIObject/subsref" function.
Error in minimal_example (line 11)
tau = sim.getJointForce(handle)
Best regards,