Claw Gripper Movement Issue

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Claw Gripper Movement Issue

Post by spenh1248 »


Over the past few days, I have been building/testing a claw gripper robot via Leopoldo Armesto's meArm video series ( ... Z&index=73). So far, all the movement of the robot, including the three joints that move the arms, have been working great.

I recently got to the step of the claw gripper, which started out fine, but ended not so well. Every time I attempt to run the scene, the claw gripper begins to go a bit haywire. This is linked here: ... sp=sharing

I do not think the issue lies in the script, since the controls for all the joints and the gripper are functional, and there are no errors. I am thinking the issue is with the spacer (to the right of the left claw finger), which is between the coupler (on the top) and the servo cranck (on the bottom), or with something colliding with the gripper's parts even though everything there is set to be collidable. The video also shows the dynamic structure of all the parts and my entire scene hierarchy.

As a side note, I am using CoppeliaSim v4.7.0, but I don't think the issue is a compatibility one.

Is someone able to assist me in any way? Any help is greatly appreciated! If you need any additional information (i.e. my script code), please feel free to ask!

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Re: Claw Gripper Movement Issue

Post by coppelia »


please excuse the delay due to summer vacations.

Can you post your scene so that we can quickly have a look at it?


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