N number of cars to be traversed through each set point till end

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N number of cars to be traversed through each set point till end

Post by ravi_eega »

I am trying to find the waiting time of the last car by traversing one by one for each set point.

I tried and i'm able to move only one car and the second car is not starting.

i tried to get object handles with index method and here also i am facing some issues

attaching scene request inputs on where i am going wrong

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JRfBlP ... sp=sharing

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Re: N number of cars to be traversed through each set point till end

Post by coppelia »


why are you using a customization script and not a simulation script for that?

Also, I would use an individual simulation script per car, instead of trying to control both cars from within the first car.

Or then have the car controller outside of both cars (i.e. a stand-alone simulation script).


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Joined: 08 Dec 2024, 07:35

Re: N number of cars to be traversed through each set point till end

Post by ravi_eega »


Thanks for your reply I tried out and it's working.. I am trying to make each car wait in each set point for some seconds... And that time I will log.. Need some suggestions on how can I stop the car for some time and continue after that time

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