How to pass a list variable from external application to the script of the server?

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How to pass a list variable from external application to the script of the server?

Post by Hacher »

The function I use(sim.moveToConfig) can only be used in the thread script, while the parameter of this function can only be caculated by the external application. Therefore, I wonder konw that is there way to pass the result caculate by the external applicatioin to the sever so that the thread script can also use it?

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Re: How to pass a list variable from external application to the script of the server?

Post by coppelia »


that is correct that sim.moveToPose can only be used from within a thread. But its elemental pendants can also be used from within non-threaded scripts: sim.moveToPose_init, sim.moveToPose_step and sim.moveToPose_cleanup.

If you need to exchange data with CoppeliaSim from an external application, you can use several means of communication with CoppeliaSim, but I would recommend the ZeroMQ remote API. From within your external application, you can call sim.callScriptFunction for that (you'll need a callable function in your script that stores thereceived data)


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Re: How to pass a list variable from external application to the script of the server?

Post by Hacher »

Thank you for your reply.
Additionally, I wanna ask that how to make sure how much joint position will chang within each step when drive joint through 'sim.moveToConfig_step' ?

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Re: How to pass a list variable from external application to the script of the server?

Post by coppelia »

Additionally, I wanna ask that how to make sure how much joint position will chang within each step when drive joint through 'sim.moveToConfig_step' ?
The position change is highly variable and is actually the core of the Ruckig motion library that powers the sim.moveToPose function. You probably meant to ask if there is a possibility to adjust the time step? Yes, you can do that during initialization (in sim.moveToPose_init) via the optional timeStep field.


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