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Possible error in simxReadProximitySensor

Posted: 03 Apr 2014, 19:00
by cloud

I am trying to use the remoteAPI in Matlab to read the values of a proximity sensor added to a scene. However evrytime I call the function simxReadProximitySensor(number clientID,number sensorHandle,number operationMode) it pops out an error that too many inputs have been passed into the function. This is not the case with the Force and vision sensor. Is there anything else that needs to be done to read the proximity sensor

Re: Possible error in simxReadProximitySensor

Posted: 03 Apr 2014, 22:01
by Eric
Hi Cloud

By a huge coincidence, I ran into exactly the same problem today, running an old working matlab code with the reading of a proximity sensor. It was working fine on my matlab 32bit, and the problem occurred only on my new matlab 64 bit installation...
Apparently, any remoteApi function call (on the C side) having more than 6 inputs will get the same error on a matlab 64bit ... 017#213770

Re: Possible error in simxReadProximitySensor

Posted: 04 Apr 2014, 09:43
by coppelia
You are right, there is a bug. The question is who is responsible ;) (and yes, only functions that forward more than 6 arguments to the C library are affected, strangely enough)

The bug is affecting the 64bit versions of Matlab, and following Matlab remote API functions:
We have prepared a fix that can be downloaded here. The downloadable V-REP PRO and V-REP PRO EDU packages also contain that fix from now on.


Re: Possible error in simxReadProximitySensor

Posted: 04 Apr 2014, 10:21
by cloud
Thanks for your replies Eric and the coppelia team, all the the functions are working fine now.
