Quadricopter Drone Simulation and Real

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Quadricopter Drone Simulation and Real

Post by dsky »


I am new to v-rep and have more of a general question. If I write a simulation for the Quadricopter Drone in V-rep, how can I get the program on a real robot drone? I mean, what requirements does the real quadricopter have to fulfill for it to run the code from the simulation? How would I even get it on the drone? Would it work with the Parrot AR Drone? (http://ardrone2.parrot.com/usa/)

Thank you and kind regards,

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Re: Quadricopter Drone Simulation and Real

Post by coppelia »

Hello David,

Best would be to have your original code on the quadricopter slightly modified, and instead of sending motor commands or receiving sensor data to/from the real robot, have them go to/come from the simulated robot. For that you can use either:
You have many other possibilities, but above two are the most often used ones, and probably the easier ones.


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Re: Quadricopter Drone Simulation and Real

Post by dsky »

Hello coppelia,

thanks for your prompt answer. Since I am still very new to this excuse me if I don't quite understand yet.

So are there requirements that the real robot has to fulfill in order for your proposed solution to work? I mean does the robot need to run a certain operating system/ROS? How do I know if it does? Is there a tutorial that explains this solution from simulation to real robot (preferably quadricopter)?

Thanks again,

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Re: Quadricopter Drone Simulation and Real

Post by coppelia »

When using the remote API, following are the requirements to your hardware (i.e. quadricopter):
  • Your hardware needs to have a socket communication interface (in order to link it to V-REP)
  • You should be able to add 2-3 C-source code files to your project on your hardware, and compile those files together with your project.
Refer to the example project files in programming/bubbleRobClient, and have a look at the corresponding simulation scene controlTypeExamples.ttt

Additionally, you can also read from here.


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