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How to read many values for an array form a txt file?

Posted: 15 Jan 2015, 03:22
by Encourage
Hi copelia,
I want to ask for your help.Now,I am meeting a difficult problem .That is, I can read a value for a variable in v-rep from a txt file,but I want to read many values for an array then via this array to choose one value for a joint .Can you give me some commands to realise this problem? The key is how to read some values for an array from a txt file. I tried some methods ,however, they doesn't work.

Xiao Ming

Re: How to read many values for an array form a txt file?

Posted: 15 Jan 2015, 22:52
by coppelia
Hello Xiao Ming,

this is not directly related to V-REP, but more to the Lua language. There are many resources/tutorials related to Lua. Also, a quick google showed up this link.
