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Retrieve curvature of path object

Posted: 27 Mar 2013, 12:49
by Ulrich

is there a way to retrieve the curvature of a path object at a given abscissa programatically? This would be very nice to have. Since the underlying representation is a spline anyways, I would not have to recalculate the curvature by orientation differences.

Best, Ulrich

Re: Retrieve curvature of path object

Posted: 27 Mar 2013, 13:38
by coppelia
Hello Ulrich,

There is no way to retrieve the curvature of a path right now.
If you need functions to create/modify a path via API, let me know. The next version of V-REP (3.0.3) has new API functions for that.


Re: Retrieve curvature of path object

Posted: 15 Apr 2013, 16:23
by Ulrich

this would be great. I have the application in mind that I drive around with my real robot, record its position and directly create a path object out of this for driving the same path again later. Ok, it's not crucial that this is a path object, but it would be cool to have the possibility to shift that object later and to modify it.

Greets Ulrich