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Issue with remoteApi.dll 64bits Windows and Matlab

Posted: 03 Feb 2016, 12:50
by changfrancis
Hi All,

We are currently using VREP for a engineering module in the National University of Singapore. We are having issue to run the remoteApi.dll(64bit) on a 64bits windows with Matlab 2015.

The .dll file was copied from C:\Program Files (x86)\V-REP3\V-REP_PRO_EDU\programming\remoteApiBindings\lib\lib\64 bit, we are attempting to run the simpleTest.m

Error Message in Matlab:
>> simpleTest
Program started
Running Matlab win64
Note: always make sure you use the corresponding remoteApi library
(i.e. 32bit Matlab will not work with 64bit remoteApi, and vice-versa)
Error using loadlibrary (line 447)
There was an error loading the library "C:\Users\XXXXX\Desktop\MatlabWorkspace\remoteApi.dll"
C:\Users\XXXXX\Desktop\MatlabWorkspace\remoteApi.dll is not a valid Win32 application.
Error in remApi (line 638)
Error in simpleTest (line 31)
vrep=remApi('remoteApi'); % using the prototype file (remoteApiProto.m)
Caused by:
Error using loaddefinedlibrary
C:\Users\XXXXX\Desktop\MatlabWorkspace\remoteApi.dll is not a valid Win32 application.

On the other hand, we tried the remoteApi.dll(32bits) work perfectly on a 32 bits windows computer and Matlab 2014.
Does anyone similar issue before ? any solution for the problem ?

With thanks.

Re: Issue with remoteApi.dll 64bits Windows and Matlab

Posted: 05 Feb 2016, 09:56
by coppelia

first of all it is not important if your PC runs 32 or 64 bits (since a 64-bit machine can still run 32-bit applications). What is relevant is what your Matlab runs. If your Matlab is a 32-bit version, then you should use the 32-bit dll for the remote API. The same when your Matlab is 64-bit, then you should use the 64-bit dll.

The 32 and 64 bit dlls for the remote API have the same name, so make sure not to mix them up.

When it says Running Matlab win64, this actually means Running Matlab on a 64-bit platform (which is not really relevant ;) ). Rather, try to check what the Matlab splash screen says during load. It should say something like 64-bit (or 32-bit).


Re: Issue with remoteApi.dll 64bits Windows and Matlab

Posted: 06 Feb 2016, 06:42
by changfrancis
The matlab we use is version 2015a 64bits.

We tried both 32 and 64 remoteapi.dll files, both give the same error message in matlab. The 32bit .dll file works perfect for our older machine, but we have no success for all win64 and matlab64 2015a in all our PC or laptops.

Re: Issue with remoteApi.dll 64bits Windows and Matlab

Posted: 06 Feb 2016, 08:31
by changfrancis

Re: Issue with remoteApi.dll 64bits Windows and Matlab

Posted: 07 Feb 2016, 19:23
by coppelia
When you installed V-REP, there was at the end of the installation a question whether you want to install the VC2012 redistributable. You might need to have that installed. You can still install it by executing vcredist/2012/vcredist_x86.exe in your V-REP installation folder. If that doesn't help, I am a bit clueless. Maybe you could try to recompile it yourself?


Re: Issue with remoteApi.dll 64bits Windows and Matlab

Posted: 11 Feb 2016, 15:39
by changfrancis
Hi coppelia staff,

One of our student manage to run win64 with Matlab2012a-32bit. I guess the problem for win64 and matlab64 is still not resolve.
At least we know the following:
win32 and matlab32 = Successful
win32 and matlab64 = Cannot be tested
win64 and matlab32 = Successful
win64 and matlab64 = No, fail to work with both attempts of dll files.

I have tried to re-install/repair the VS2012 distribution in the 32bit and 64bits, 64bits from download in ... x?id=30679
No success for both distribution

could you guide me through the steps for re-compiling of the 64bits dll ? I have VS2012 and VS2015.

Re: Issue with remoteApi.dll 64bits Windows and Matlab

Posted: 11 Feb 2016, 20:18
by Wilsonator
I am having the exact same issue. Have MATLAB 2015b 64bit running, used .dll from C:\Program Files (x86)\V-REP3\V-REP_PRO_EDU\programming\remoteApiBindings\lib\lib\64 bit. Exact same error.

Re: Issue with remoteApi.dll 64bits Windows and Matlab

Posted: 12 Feb 2016, 20:59
by Wilsonator
Can confirm, seems to be a problem with build of remoteApi.dll(64bits) in the 3.2.3 version.

Tried the Beta 3.3.0, remoteApi.dll(64bits) with 64bit Matlab (2015b) works just fine.

Re: Issue with remoteApi.dll 64bits Windows and Matlab

Posted: 12 Feb 2016, 22:36
by coppelia
Thanks, good to hear that.


Re: Issue with remoteApi.dll 64bits Windows and Matlab

Posted: 19 Feb 2016, 21:44
by rathomp
Same problem here with Matlab 2015b 64 bit and remoteAPI.dll

v3.3 is released.

Tried and it works for me now!
Thanks Coppelia
