Controlling Joints in a Flexible robot with V-rep

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Controlling Joints in a Flexible robot with V-rep

Post by Tjay »

Hi, I have parts of a snake-like robot designed with Solidworks and exported as STL files. I want to arrange these parts in V-rep and add joints for parts' movements. I started with a few links of 1 LinearActuatorJoint needed to drive the LinearActuator (a sliding component), and two links (Link1 and Link2) with revolute joints (Link1Joint and Link2Joint, respectively) to rotate the links.

In simulation, my mechanism is not working at all. However, I realized that the three joints have a warning sign saying "Object 'xxx' is not dynamically enabled and may not perform as expected". I have read the online files about designing Dynamic Simulations on but yet I couldn't the problem.

Please, any help will be appreciated. The model is uploaded here in: https://doc-0c-10-docs.googleuserconten ... 2q2n1hs18t


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Re: Controlling Joints in a Flexible robot with V-rep

Post by RobAtLab »

I think you might need to change settings on your google drive link, it doesn't seem to open. You might have left on a setting such as "private only I can access".

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Re: Controlling Joints in a Flexible robot with V-rep

Post by coppelia »


if you have a warning sign next to an object in the scene hierarchy, then you are doing something wrong. For joints, this usually means that they are not dynamically simulated because the requirements are not met. Make sure to carefully read this page (the section on Dynamically enabled joints/force sensors).


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