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Strange Value set during tutorial for Object postion

Posted: 08 May 2022, 19:25
by V K

as I am new here I try to follow the [BibbleRob][/] tutorial.
Setting the "Object" position/orientation values for the proximity sensor is overwritten by the menu.
E.g. 90 degress for x rotation is set to 9.000. The translation 1.2 is set to 0.2.

I am using CoppeliaSim V4.3.0., (rev. 3), flavor: 2 on Ubuntu 20.04. Anything which coul cause that ?

Re: Strange Value set during tutorial for Object postion

Posted: 09 May 2022, 13:10
by coppelia

can you show a screenshot of what you are referring to?


Re: Strange Value set during tutorial for Object postion

Posted: 10 May 2022, 18:25
by V K

that's a bit difficult as the numbers flip when I click outside the "Object/Item shift" dialog.
Also didn't find a way to upload pictures
I have entered 0.1000e-02 which instantly changed to +1.0000e-02 when clicked outside for the screenshot

not sure why the default values have a minus value


Re: Strange Value set during tutorial for Object postion

Posted: 11 May 2022, 08:41
by coppelia
Some values are limitied in range. So this is what might be happening. Normally, if you enter 0.1000e-02 for a position, then it will turn into 1.0000e-03, which is the same.
For the orientation, all three angles are kind of connected. So changing one, might change the other. More details about Euler angles can be found here.


Re: Strange Value set during tutorial for Object postion

Posted: 12 May 2022, 19:24
by V K
Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately for me as a beginner it does not explain anything.
If I follow the tutorial I would expect the entered values are absolute values.
Not sure how to deal with it
Thanks for now

Re: Strange Value set during tutorial for Object postion

Posted: 13 May 2022, 07:43
by coppelia
Please show me exactly how I can reproduce the problem, best on a default scene. Step-by-step. Right now I am not even sure what you mean and in which situation exactly. Too many variables (is the object orphan or does it have a parent? Which tab of the dialog? "position", "Translation", or something else? Relative to what object? "World", "parent frame" or "own frame", etc.)
