Crashing when trying ik motion

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Crashing when trying ik motion

Post by HWatchorn »

I'm trying to use the OMPL plugin for path planning and simIK to move a robot arm to pick up an object in my scene. I'm using a mix of code from the ur5WithRg2Grasping.ttt and simpleManipulatorPathPlanning.ttt scenes with the R820 kuka model. When the simulation tries to run execute the moveToPose_viaIK(maxVel,maxAccel,maxJerk,pose,data) function, CoppeliaSIm crashes.

This also happens when trying to run the ur5WithRg2Grasping.ttt and pathPlanningAndGrasping.ttt scenes

The error message I get is:

/CoppeliaSim_Edu_V4_5_1_rev4_Ubuntu20_04/coppeliaSim: symbol lookup error:
undefined symbol:_ZN6ruckig5Brake29get_position_brake_trajectoryEdddddddRSt5arrayIdLm2EES3_

This is happening in both 4.4 and 4.5

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Re: Crashing when trying ik motion

Post by coppelia »


so the crash happens also with the unmodified ur5WithRg2Grasping.ttt scene? That is very strange, I cannot reproduce that crash. Is anything special with your Ubuntu set-up/machine?
Also, can you share the whole stack traceback error, that originates with the ur5WithRg2Grasping scene?


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Re: Crashing when trying ik motion

Post by HWatchorn »


Yes unmodified ur5WithRg2Grasping.ttt scene and nothing special with my set-up. I have run it in the past as well around December.

How do I access the stack traceback error? If it's printed in the console within the CoppeliaSim window the scene crashes before any error messages are printed. This is whats printed when the scene is loaded:

[CoppeliaSim:info] Default scene was set-up.
[CoppeliaSim:info] Loading scene (/home/harry/CoppeliaSim_Edu_V4_5_1_rev4_Ubuntu20_04/scenes/ur5WithRg2Grasping.ttt). Serialization version is 24.
[CoppeliaSim:info] File was previously written with CoppeliaSim version 4.05.01 (rev 0)
[CoppeliaSim:info] Scene opened.
[CoppeliaSim:info] Scene infos:
The original CAD data of the UR5 is courtesy of Universal Robots.
The original CAD data of the gripper is courtesy of On Robot ApS.

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Re: Crashing when trying ik motion

Post by coppelia »

Thanks. I meant the error stack printed in the terminal window. Is there only one error line?

Does it make a difference is you start CoppeliaSim in either of following ways?

Code: Select all

$ ./coppeliaSim


$ ./
Can you rebuild simExtRuckig?


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Joined: 06 Nov 2022, 15:00

Re: Crashing when trying ik motion

Post by HWatchorn »

Yes that's the only error message I receive.

There's no difference when i stat CoppeliaSim in either of the way you mentioned.

I tried rebuilding but it made no difference.


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Re: Crashing when trying ik motion

Post by coppelia »

We have updated the Ruckig engine to Ruckig V0.9.2, please pull the latest simExtRuckig and try again to compile . You will however have to also use the latest include source.


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